
The Best decision you will make all day at : 5.15,6.15,8.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30

6rds not for time
7 Strict PU/ Neg Descent PU
3 Deads @ 70
4/4/4/4 Split Squats w DB's 50/35 on 2/1+ 45lb plate
**after every 2rds row 400 trying to maintain, a sub A)1.50/2.05, B)2/2.15, C)2.10/2.30 pace

Run 800 @85
Rest 3,
repeat faster


after strength work,

Ev 40 sec 4/3/2 MU for 7 mins
* min of 20 MU

then run work w 4rds
*aim for neg splits


Trevor Belline