
Sessions @ 5.15,6.15,8.15,11.30,4.30,5.30,6.30

Team, time is running out to sign up for the 5k this week. We really hope you do. I know that a lot of people don’t like running and the idea seems gross….but a lot of the workouts we do at 540 are gross to some extent to everyone. (assault bike anyone?) But this is a great chance to get out of your and our ‘box’ and do something different. Something fun. The more the merrier. We get it, its running… but its a 20-30 min wod. We do worse all the time. And running is a great way to supplement some fantastic weight loss headed into swimsuit season. So click on the link below and SIGN UP! Its a good cause and its something different! Whether you like running or not :)


5K Prep
Run around the church into run the block
Rest 5 minutes


20 min AMRP
2 Deadlifts @ 60-65
5 Pullups/ C2B
10/7 Cals on Bike
15 Squats

Trevor Belline